I've been tweeted!! I'm so excited!
Visit their store here and buy their stuff!!
I am certain that I am way late to the party. The Beekman Boys party, that is.
While shopping at Terrain a couple of weeks ago, I picked up a book,
The Bucolic Plague. I bought it for my husband for Christmas because I loved the idea of the story and it's his dream - goats and all - to become a gentleman farmer.
Meanwhile, I found myself flat on my back with no reading material so I picked it up and read it straight through. It's very funny and sweet and charming and fabulous: Two boys from New York buy upstate mansion with farm; goats happen, comedy (and fabulous dinners cooked from farm-grown goodness) ensues.
Anyway, this story is adorable, as are its characters (Farmer John, anyone?). I totally related to the fact that Josh, the author, from Wisconsin, got his start detasseling corn (as did I and Cindy Crawford [I like to compare myself with Cindy Crawford whenever possible]). Note to Josh: You detassel the female corn so the male corn doesn't fertilize it, thus ruining the hybrid.
Because of the book and my new obsession, I discovered that they have a shop
here where they sell beautiful goat milk soap from their farm as well as goat cheese (cleverly named Blaak) and handmade letter-pressed cards, among other things. They have even renovated an empty hotel in their little town, Sharon Springs, into a storefront shop so we can visit!
They also have a show about to enter its second season on Planet Green called "The Fabulous Beekman Boys." I have watched the episodes available on On Demand and now am in serious love with these boys.
I love the idea of the sustainable farm (it's the future, people!) and the goats and the boys and the town and the small-town goings-on. I am ordering goat milk soap today and some Christmas cards for next year (actually, I already missed the boat on that). Here's the link if you're inclined to do the same:
Beekman1802.com. If you do, just know you are supporting a small farm and community (also the future, people!).