I thought it would never get here - this gorgeous spring week. So, I am outta here. If I had to be stuck inside, though, I would love to be stuck in my new favorite kitchen ever.

This kitchen was designed by Tish Key for the 2006 San Francisco Decorator Showcase and shamelessly swiped from
Deliciously Organized. I am not really feeling the upside down bouquet of dead flowers light fixture but I
love the rest: taking the tiling up the wall, the cabinetry, even the skirt is adorable! And I don't care what you say about I.T., the yellow just looks like a sunny day.
Have a great, warm weekend wherever you are.
for 2 seconds i thought you might have started another project, and then {thank god} i read the small print. lovely kitchen. really into those black cabinets. 70's here too. have a gorgeous weekend.
I love the wall tiling and then a hint of patterned wall paper. A mix of classic and fun!
Yes, we got the spring temps today too! Hooray, I can't wait for my viburnum to bloom so I can have a bouquet just like that on my kitchen counter! Too bad that's not my kitchen counter. Can this be my new favorite kitchen as well? I love it all- the gorgeous marble, fantastic tile job, glorious sink, to die for butcher block. Even the lighting! It's gorgeous and timeless and I am jealous!
Have a wonderful weekend!
i love that tile all the way up the wall!!! delicious. and it's warms as hell here tooooo!!!!
Love love love this kitchen! (And love that it's warm here too!) Those floors are fantastic (I'm a sucker for beautiful wood floors) and the whole kitchen is just perfect. That bar would be my fiance's version of heaven. I love the black with the white marble countertops.
Filing this one away for when we finally buy a house...I agree with NKP! It's timeless!
Snow today... yeah you heard right.
Hmm nice kitchen though- lovin that butler's pantry.
happy friday! :)
Yummy - love the mirrored cupboards and the IT - used in a very interesting way. And the butler's pantry alone is enough to make me swoon.
i woudl like to move in. right now.
yes, love that subway tile. I enjoyed today's temps, too, probably 65 here! Yipee!
I am so envious. It is 28 degrees here and snowing - with about 5" already on the ground. So envious.
I love love love that yellow trellis pattern wallpaper! I think I am becoming addicted to wallpaper, it makes such a transformation! If only I could put this in my apartment. le sigh.
Bre @redBungalow
oh goodness...the wallpaper is amazing.
Nice kitchen. I'm with you I would nix the light fixture in a heartbeat. It just doesnt do it for me.
I've never seen mirrored kitchen cabinet doors before...very unique.
cheers enjoy the spring weather!
Have fun outside!! Great kitchen :)
I like the light fixture :)
i was catching my husband up on my blog... "shoot the nuts off the pope"...he died laughing!
Lovely! Happy spring! :)
Fabulous wallpaper!
Yes, in Florida it's so beautiful now, sunny but cool still. Those black lacquered cabinets are heaven. Love the little place.
I loved this home! Insane. I wish I could go to the SF Decorators showcase this year!
I love the wall tiling and then a hint of patterned wall paper. A mix of classic and fun!
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