I was fascinated by it - by both the house and the women. Here's a photo of the movie house.
Taberandrew flickr
This is a photo of the actual house in East Hampton, NY, restored today.

Here is a photo of the original from the inside looking out.

This photo shows the actual property in its eventual state of disrepair. Posing in front is Edith Bouvier Beale, Little Edie, Jackie Kennedy's cousin.
Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange did a fabulous job recreating the real-life characters from the Maysles brothers original 1975documentary film "Grey Gardens."

Here are some photos of the set interiors. I am in love with the cane chairs and I want desperately to see the kitchen (the only kitchen shot was in the dark at night).

As you can see, this photo depicts years of neglect.

This was the actual photo taken by Sally Quinn (who now owns it with her husband, Ben Bradlee) before their restoration. Mind you, this was after Jackie and Ari Onassis fixed it up so it was habitable. Sally said she touched a key on the piano and it went right through the floor.
The NYTimes has done a few articles on the house. You will want to click
here for the link and also look up the slideshow to the Secret Gardener in the lefthand Multimedia column.
After I watched the movie on DVR, I stayed up late watching the original movie on YouTube. You can click
here to see it. Additional parts are listed on the right side.
Liberty Post has done quite a few posts on this eccentric couple. Find her recent post
here and click various links for previous posts and references. There's a blog devoted entirely to Grey Gardens and its inhabitants:
here. Visual Vamp has some great photos and information,
here. As well as A Bloomsbury Life,
Looks I have some ordering to do on Amazon.