I once had a guinea pig that lived to be 9 years old. Her name was Fluffy. I changed her cage every day. She would sit up and beg for food. She also ate lettuce on the kitchen floor with my dog.
My other one only lived to be three. Her name was Sniffles.
In Ecuador, people roast them on a stick and sell them from push carts.
Oh! I love, love, love guinea pigs! We once found one roaming the back alley behind our house in Wash, D.C. It turned out it was the neighboring church's pet and we returned him unscathed. They are so cute!
Look at its creepy little hands peeping out from under its adorable fulffy body.
*snort* @ Paul's comment.
Paul - You and Raina will be thrilled to know that when I google imaged for a g. pig, almost half came up roasted on a plate.
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i love it! i used to have hamsters, my favorite was named Aaron- he came to you when you called his name- was so sad when he froze to death in the garage!
omg! NINE YEARS!!!!!!
That just to adorable!
I had a turtle named Vulgar. I was 9 when I found him and I have no idea why I named him that. He was tiny...about the size of a 50 cent piece. I was cleaning his bowl one day and a bird flew off with him. It was traumatizing. I just took my Italian Greyhound to the vet to be fixed. Say a little prayer!
Awwwwwww, That's such a cute story, wow 9 years old! That's amazing!
Nothing devistating ever happened to my hamsters except the wheel accident that forever deemed "Cupcake" as "Stumpy".
I think 9 years may be a world record.
Spence: I burst out laughing when I saw this comment. I had totally forgotten about poor little Cupcake...
Yes, thank you, Paul, for that riveting graphic. At least they don't serve them on their backs with their little feet in the air...
Hmstrjam: You had hamsters? I'm shocked! :-)
Absolutely, Jill. I always hate when my dogs have surgery.
I once had a hamster that my dog licked to death (well, to a heart attack we think) Poor thing thought it was her puppy!
Joy {and Janet]
adorable image.
fluffy was lucky to have you. 9 years!!!
i wish i knew someone whose name was sniffles!
Tuesday afternoon confession. I'm hiding from my housekeeper so I don't have to drive her down to the bus stop. I don't want to leave Dolce alone while she's recovering from her surgery. Does that make me a bitch? I can't decide. Thanks for stopping by my blog to see how Dolce is doing. I think this has been more traumatic for me than for her!
9 years - now that is a lot of lettuce! Have a wonderful weekend, xv.
How your guinea pig lived longer than the sum of all our hamsters (Killer, Killer II & Killer III) is remarkable!
I had one named Elizabeth who lived for 5 years...she loved to be picked up, her best friend was our cat Sabrina...the cat would sleep on top of the cage and come running for lettuce when the pig got hers.
Then a few years later we had Joey who lived for only 1 year...he loved to come out of his cage into a box on the bed and watch TV...our Greyhound Buttons would get bent out of shape and cry because he was taking all my attention...That little picture brought out alot of great memories for me...Thank you /cam
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