When I was a young girl, around 6 or 7, I had a crush on Ray Rayner.
If you are from Chicago or possibly the Midwest, you will know who he was. He was like your crazy, hairy, old uncle. He had a duck named Chelveston and a stuffed dog named Cuddly Dudley. I remember the day he showed up in coveralls with notes tacked all over them (he could never remember what came next and he could then just pluck a note off his pants and follow the instructions on the note).
When I was somewhat older, I had a crush on Monty Hall from Let's Make a Deal.

What was wrong with me?
For a young girl from Indiana, it was "Cowboy Bob."
Well, you sure know your type. What up with Ray's hot pink suit?! It is blinding me.
I guess I had a big thing for Rhoda on Mary Tyler Moore, but she's a character, not so much a t.v. personality. It didn't really feel like it was a crush so much as wanting to be her and wear colorful headscarves, have an apartment with beads for doors, and work as a window dresser. Oh, and I wanted to be Mar's best friend, even if it meant being the wacky, self-deprecating sidekick who only dated losers.
(Wait. We're talking about our past not our present, right?)
Don't be too hard on yourself, I had it bad for Bert Convy.
i was head over heals with glen campbell. there was something about the song 'galveston' that got me all warm and gooey! don't forget the witchita lineman either.
I think I need to try that post it note trick...
my parents were almost always away and so we were mostly cared for by inez and pilar ... i was very close to inez and spent time watching a lot of lifetime-like movies with her when i wasn't swimming or giving orders to my younger sister and brother. one afternoon we were watching a movie with robert conrad and i excitedly turned to inez and told her i was going to marry him when i grew up : ) i was seven years old.
she told my parents.
Wow, Raina, I'm jealous. Where was Cowboy Bob in Illinois? Yay! I love when you play.
Lucitebox - So, are you a window dresser? :-)
David - At least he was good looking. And I could see him in leather undies. *winkypoo*
Anon - I have those two songs on my iPod. xo
Paul - Dirty rat. It's like you were set up. :-) My Grandma E. always had game shows on: her programs. My other Grandma always watched soaps and baseball. I never did get into soaps (except one which is a future confession).
You were comforted by the sight of a combover and some fugly neckwear? You longed for the safety of a man who would never be able to dress himself properly? You knew that you would grow up and meet a man who would always appreciate your ability to see past such trivialities like muscle tone and color coordination?
Who knows??
My first girlhood crushes were Bruce Lee and the men from U.N.C.L.E. and look where that got me. No, wait. Close your eyes. It's safer that way.
What is wrong with me - I had a crush on the creepy guy with the wedding game show! Ewwww.....
I was a little more conventional: I liked Luke Skywalker. Then I discovered Christian Bale when I was 15, and haven't looked back.
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