I see this misused on otherwise brilliant blogs all the time. I'd like to offer quick help to resolve the burning question: It's or its?
It's = It is (or it has). Every single time.
Its = Possessive. Every single time.
If you can't decide which to use, just remember it's is a contraction and it's= it is (or it has as in "it's been raining"). If that's not it, it's its. Got it?
Now, it's (it is) time for a little Friday entertainment from my favorite band, The Shine (my girl is its drummer), performing its original song, "Going Nowhere."
UPDATE: New song (poor picture quality due to low lighting at venue) but still a good song.
My Messy Road to Not Drinking
10 hours ago
Their great!
he he
Wait. I spotted something in your entry that will surely out me as a major grammar dick. It's this line:
If that not it, it's its. Got it?
Thanks for sharing! So glad I found your blog. Your a grate writer. :)
Anon - Thats' the spirit!
Lucite - Ha! It figures I'd make a typo in this post. Thank's for pointing it out; your grate.
I've read that poor punctuation and spelling isn't an indicator of intelligence.
If I see such errors, I tend to think the person is a moron.
Amen sister!
Punctuation causes me more stress than it should - I never remember where the apostrophe goes.
Thank goodness for spelling and grammar check!! xv
I find that grammar check is often incorrect...
Hilarious that you made a typo in a post bitching people out for bad grammar. I did the exact same thing once. I'll probably do it again one of these day's! :P
Quick, runs back to post to correct my the error of my ways -- the wrong use of "its"!!!! P.S. I saw the mistake after I posted and was too lazy to go back and fix it!!
yikes! ... i think i'm guilty of this at times!
Well, I didn't mean to make everyone paranoid but a lot of people just don't know they're doing this so I thought I'd use my blog to spread the word.
DB - You know, I did that on purpose to show that I'm human. :-)
Know that their are entire websites out there devoted to the proper use of apostrophees.
My aunt was an English teacher who enforced proper grammar with a vengance. I miss her, thanks for stepping up, HG. Your grate to.
Thanks for the grammar lesson. If you ever see any grammar mistakes on my Blog please, please let me know. I have the little book Elements of Style and it is has good examples of how to use the English language.
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