Thanks to the mighty, magical, omnipotent
I would like to say thanks if you came by to visit. And rock on, Decorno-ites.
I would also like to thank Internet Porn for increasing my blog traffic. On any given day, an unusual number of you arrive at my blog looking for "dicks," "famous dicks" or "infamous dicks" due to this post: Famous Dicks.
Sorry to disappoint. But, hey, since you're here, stick around, baby. You're looking good. We'll find something to satisfy your, um, cravings.
To whet your appetite and make this visit worth your while, I will post a surprising artwork by the last-remaining* (and my favorite) Wyeth, Jamie, at my favorite show to date at the Brandywine River Museum** called "Factory Work," which comprised the works of Jamie Wyeth, Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat from their time together at Warhol's Factory:
Hey, I know I'm dumbing down art, but I'm just giving the people what they want. Like Emeril.
*Not technically the last remaining, but you know what I mean.
**Although his show with sketches on craft paper of Nureyev about killed me, they were so beautiful. And the retrospective last weekend on Andrew was very poignant.
i am one of those who found their way via decorno, and I have to say you are one of the most entertaining blogs I've read in a while. I'll keep coming (and not because of any Dicks).
That is a really fabulous museum...I wish I frequented it a bit more when I was in Philadelphia.
I, too, found you via the Mighty Decorno. I love you as much as I love her.
Will you two be my bitches?
Hello Gorgeous--consider yourself now in my IDH (Interior/ Home/Design) bookmark tab--up towards the very top of a long list of IDH blogs that aren't nearly as entertaining or fabulous as yours, I might add.
Thanks, anon, but you know everybody says that (about the dicks).
Laura - Don't feel too bad. I'm right here and I don't go enough.
Lucite - Hmmmmm. Nope. However, I may be able to accommodate some bitches. Thanks for the love.
Dude, people are STILL coming to my blog by searching for "Bridget Regan nude." Apparently it's the only search term I make a dent in. And yet, they leave disappointed, every time. Think I should just make a post that just says "bridget regan nude" over and over and over again?
Yeah, just post a picture of Briget Regan nude and get it over with.
hilarious. well you know i love your blog!
Jamie's my fave, too!
I'm glad you've expanded your audience, you deserve it...dicks or no dicks.
Thanks, Jill and McCourt.
I could have guessed P-D, we have that great minds things going and all.
One of my friends last night was telling me how he used to print Jamie's Christmas cards for him. I asked him if he accidentally kept any for me but he didn't.
it's because of posts like this that i love your blog :)
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