Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If He Had Only Been Caught With a One-Hitter...

...he'd already be in jail.

Photo from the Economist

U.S. Says Madoff Sent Cartier Watch, Diamond Bracelet, Necklace

By David Glovin

Jan. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff mailed additional jewelry, including Cartier and Tiffany watches, a ring, a diamond bracelet and diamond necklace, prosecutors said in a letter expanding on their Jan. 5 request to jail the investment adviser for violating the terms of his bail.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Marc Litt in Manhattan submitted a letter to U.S. Magistrate Judge Ronald Ellis yesterday asking that Madoff be imprisoned for transferring $1 million in possessions. The letter, made public today, broadens the grounds for the request Litt made in Manhattan federal court Jan. 5.

For the entire story on Bloomberg, click here.

What on earth will it take to jail this man?


  1. I know, can you believe this guy? I live in NYC so its all over the streets/parties etc...

  2. "White collar crime" for $200, Alex.

  3. Most hilarious and fitting title, ever.

  4. Yes, that's the measure of a TRUE crook. Lock that sucker up. They locked Martha up for supposedly stealing $40,000. But she's a woman and they don't steal big enough.

  5. It reminds me of a sketch from Chapelle's show I saw, where he has himself as a crack dealer, being treated like a white collar criminal, while meanwhile a thieving hedge fund executive is getting processed through the system like a poor black guy. It's fucking brilliant and sadly, 100% true.


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