I'm talking about the Philadelphia Mummers Parade. Word is the majority of the Queens dressed up in, for instance, the Fairy Brigade are straight blue-collar family men.

Uh-huh. Just keep telling yourselves that fellas. The sheer number of sequins, feathers and tight choreography speaks for itself.

Some of the earliest Mummers date back to early Egypt, pagan Rome and Greece, England, Germany, and France. The tradition of Philadelphia Mummery started in the late 17th century as a continuation of the Old World customs of ushering in the New Year. Mummery in America is as unique to Philadelphia as Mardi Gras is to New Orleans. However, the parade has fallen on hard times in this economy, what with Captains' costumes costing as much as $10,000. After many tears and hysterics by Mummers leaders, the city of Philadelphia is continuing to sponsor the parade, though in a smaller way than in years past. The Parade is divided into four categories: Comics, Fancies, String Bands and Fancy Brigades. It's superduperstraightabulous!
I once fell in love with a mummer. He broke my heart. ;)
I'm not even sure what to say, other than it looks like quite spectacle. Rock on Mummers.
No, David. You're supposed to say, "I oncefell in love with a mummer. He broke my heart." ;-)
Wy do I always find out about these things after they happen? I love me some choreographed feather action.
I've never had my heart broken by a mummer though. Or a mormon. But morons? Now THAT could be a parade.
Heh, heh.
Greta, did he turn out to be gay?
I can't count the number of gay men who have broken my gaydar impaired heart.
And Teh Gayz are only 10% of the population? Uh huh.
Now the Hummer Parade sounds like a much more apt title.
Indeed, Raina. ;-)
Dammit Raina you beat me to the Hummer Parade joke!
I've never heard of this event! WOW, I have to check it iout LOL
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