Friday, January 9, 2009

Annie's Empire.

If you don't read the blog Relish Small Pleasures, starring Annie Empiric, you are missing something special. She is part absolutely adorable/part absolutely hysterical/part absolutely rock 'n roll. She has a great take on life and her honesty will just draw you in.

A while ago, she and her then-boyfriend, now-husband Michael, had a visit from HGTV for its show "Small Space, Big Style." The episode below features their apartment above the store, a 900-square-foot space, in all its streamlined gorgeousness.

There's so much to love in that little space. For one, it doesn't look so small, does it? Their creative design has allowed them to fit so much into the space without its looking even remotely cluttered. I'd like to hear what you think.

They also own the Culver City, Calif., store Empiric Studio. I'd like to take you on a little trip inside their online store. Their combined eye is impeccable. You'll find everything from the best of mid-century furniture to vintage art and accessories and every odd and end in between:

Florence Sofa, $2375

Empiric's own design, Chamfered Dresser, $2460

Paricutin Volcano print, 1962

Vintage 3-cylinder chandelier, $1500.

Vintage architectural panels, $425 each.

Raw steel bar cart, $665.

Vintage pewter flasks, assorted, from $35-$490.

Are you drooling yet? If you like what you see, visit her online store here. And her blog here.

And don't just let me know what you think, let her know.


  1. You are so darn sweet I might just cry! I am going to put this post in my back pocket and look at it when I am in need of a little ego boost.

    Thank you!

  2. Yay, awesome new blog to read! Thanks! And I am definitely drooling over that vintage volcano print... I have no room left on my walls, yet I NEED it.

  3. As a dear friend of Annie's and an Empiric customer - you must buy the volcano. I have it and it gives me energy just looking at it daily! Also, ditto to everything Hello Gorgeous said - my thoughts exactly!-May

  4. Good god I love that bar cart. Ok, I love pretty much everything you've shown.

  5. Love a new blog and one that has divine goodies to show, thank you. xv

  6. I came over here through Annie's blog. And her apartment is even more amazing in person - she and her hubby were so kind as to go on a blind date with me when I was in LA and invited me to their incredible home. Your description of her is just perfect: "She is part absolutely adorable/part absolutely hysterical/part absolutely rock 'n roll." Yay Annie!

  7. Annie - My pleasure! I was originally just going to repost your video until I saw your store. It's so amazing. I wish you and your hubs the best success in '09 (and not just financial).

    Erin - Glad you likey.

    May - Good to know I got it right!

    David - I am in love with it. You def. need to spend some time on her store's site.

    Vicki - She has a store blog, too.

    R. Moi - I was trying to be descriptive without sounding too stalkery. Haha! I'll bet you two had a great time.

  8. Her home is so cute. And she's even cuter.

    My envy only makes me want to send my kids there to see how much cuter they could make it ;)

  9. I adore that cocktail shaker...too glam for words...well that was 9 words right there.

  10. She's an amazing gal! Great taste and a good eye.

  11. oh yeah, I totally know Empiric! Spec'd a chair from them for my last presentation. Can't wait to check out the blog too.


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