Sunday, December 28, 2008

Just Say Gno.

from the Uncyclopedia

This public service announcement is brought to you by MAGI (Mothers Against Gnome Infestation).

P.S. The photo was changed so as not to offend the etsy creator of the original gnome posted.


  1. I want to love them, but when it comes right down to placing something in the garden, I go for a rusty urn or architectural fragment every time.

    How was your Christmas HG?!

  2. I had a lovely Christmas, David, thanks.

    I, however, feel no pressure to love gnomes. None.

  3. The one pictured here is cuter than most I have to say. How about using it your headline when spring has sprung!

  4. I know, I jumped the gun but it was etsy's fault. I received an email alerting me to these and I couldn't contain myself.

  5. Agreed.

    Although, this one's not so bad...

  6. HI Lori,
    Made me laugh - my brother has a thing for gnomes. So glad you are enjoying your print! Happy New Year!

  7. Meanwhile, I feel a certain kinship with the gnomes, being as I am small and occasionally sprightly. Also, I have been known to wear funny hats and pass out drunkenly on front lawns with my pants around my knees.

    2008 was awesome.

  8. Hi Rachel - Thanks for stopping by. I changed the photo to help you play along. :-)

    Anne - I know they're popular. Only crazy people used to have them in their gardens. Ha.

    Erin - I got nothing. That cracked me up.


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