I am still moved to tears over the greatness of this moment. Not only because we have elected a black president but because we have elected the most gracious, eloquent, inspiring man I have ever seen. With one collective vote, we have issued a mandate to erase years of hatred and fear, excess and arrogance and to become the America that we thought we may never see: A nation, undivided, where all men truly are equal. The promise of the future seems brighter than ever and the possibilities seem endless. What a beautiful, perfect moment.
We are so lucky we got (and get) to be part of this.
Beautiful post!
Yes HG, we are a purple nation. We are not red states, or blue states, we are the United States.
Hope triumphs! I am so proud of this country, for doing the right thing, in such a big way.
Ah, and his wife can finally be proud of America.....
yay! that was so amazing...
oprah soooo wants his body ;)
I forgot to do one thing yesterday. After waiting in line nearly 2 hours, and filling in my ballot, I should have taken out my phone and snapped a picture. Darn.
When Jesse Jackson started crying... well that was the end of my stoic reserve, right there.
I hope this is the end of rule by fear and loathing. The US may have a chance to restore their standing in the world after the last 8 years.
Yay! This is so exciting.
Jesse totally got me, too.
Um, Puhvis, are you going after my woman?
I couldn't agree more.
Beautifully put.
What a wonderful world. I love this country. Yesterday proved that we can overcome ANY obstacles. Race, Creed, Gender.. Doesn't matter. We are One Nation.
Decorina - "fear and loathing"??? Aren't you being a bit extreme? Most anti-americans are americans themselves.
Gorgeous- yes I am. I hated that comment that she has never been proud of this country till now which is such BS. And I bothered by the fact everyone forgot about Rev Wright. Even when you denounce his comments, you went to his church for years where these comments were made every Sunday.
Puhvis, oh no, you are not ruining the love here. And if you take notice, you are the only one using the word "hate."
Fear and loathing is exactly correct. As a former active Republican, I can say without a doubt that the current administration has tossed aside all regard for what the party has stood for in the past and, in fact, what America has stood for, embarrassing us all.
With regards to Michelle, perhaps you would feel differently, too, if your college roommate requested/ demanded to be moved because of the color of your skin. I'm sure that's only one of many incidents of discrimination against that beautiful, very bright woman.
If you are in doubt as to how African-Americans have been treated in this country, read this current NY Times editorial by Charles Blow:
It may give you a glimpse of insight into what it must feel like today to be a black person in America. Or in the world, really.
And put away the hate. Those days are over.
I cried last night, and keep finding myself on the verge of tears every time I check the news, or read something about how someone ELSE cried... so that picture of Jesse Jackson got me started again!
Thanks, HG. Fear and Loathing is exactly right for describing the depths to which Shrub and his evil handlers have taken this country during the last 8 dark years.
And PK, your snarky attempts to put down Michele O are just lame. As is your attempt to smear Barack with his former minister's rants. Lf the alcoholic presently in charge of the white house is such a great guy how did the country get to be in such a mess? I guess you think that Pain - who was exorcised for witches by HER former mentor/minister is just peachy? Right.
No one can bring us down from the hope that we now see for the future of the country. It is a wonderful thing at long last.
Decorina - No hatin' from you either, girl.
It's over. The fat lady has done sung.
Now, hold hands and sing, "We are the World."
HG - I have worked in several countries - fear and loathing is a dramatic overstatement.
I had a black roommate with whom we are still best of friends. However, one Indian girl was really mean to me, so per your logic, I should feel discrimated against?
You are misusing/interpreting the word hate. Again, everyone has a right to their opinion.
Decorino - I am actually speechless. Witches? Wow....
PK - The fear as a result of 9/11 was used to implement, for example, The Patriot Act, brilliantly named because it goes against the very foundation of our constitution. Because who's going to be against Patriotism? The 2nd Amendment does no good when the government is allowed to violate your civil rights by law. It's this type of behavior (to a lesser degree) that caused the founding fathers of this country to declare its independence from Britain. Yes, abuse of power (too many examples to name) and usurpations (The Patriot Act), perfidy (lying to start a war)...I could go on but I'm exhausted from all this partisan bullshit.
Also, I suspect Decorina was making sort of a joke by referring to a Hunter S. Thompson book called "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail." Also, Palin's exorcism of witches by her pastor is somewhat misstated. It wasn't an exorcism, but rather a Baptism which included protection from witches (I didn't know this was a big problem in Alaska). You can read about it here:
And do not misstate me. If you did not grow up in America (you may have, I do not know) in the 60s and 70s, you simply may not understand the racial tension that existed.
Look. You are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine, and as Decorina is entitled to hers.
However, the election is over. The people have spoken. It's time to deal and move on. And hopefully forward.
Yes, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, HST was a friend of mine. HG you got the spirit I intended.
It is going to be a great challenge, but I think Obama is up to it. He is getting ten pounds of s*** in a five pound bag from the incumbents. I wouldn't want the job and I couldn't do it either.
Yes we did!!
Decorina - Why does it not surprise me that HST was a friend of yours? Were you there for the launch?
Since I moved to Delaware, I have met 3 people who knew or were friends with him.
The guy who owned our house before we did was from a very conservative Republican family and he, himself, was a very active R. Young guy. He had a signed poster in his kitchen of "Hunter S. Thompson for Sheriff." I almost required it to be included in the house sale. He knew him from a job he had tending bar in CO.
Then I met a crazy guy at this party and somehow I brought up HST? I can't recall how that came up in casual conversation. Anyway, he said HST was his best friend. And now you.
You will be either pleased or worried that my daughter dressed up as HST for Halloween this year (she saw Gonzo and read both Fear and Loathing books and now she is all about HST, god help me.
You can visit her blog on my blogroll (A Little More Than A Thousand Words) and see the pix.
It was a happy day on Tuesday, and it continues to be a happy, hopeful time that America deserves in the days following this historic election. I feel like I've caught my breath for the first time in years, and have finally exhaled. Thank you President-elect Obama. I will also go out on a limb and thank President Bush, for without him and the depths he plunged our country into... what we have to look forward to would never have been possible.
This was such a great post. I especially loved that last photo!
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