Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nation, I Am So Proud of You.


  1. I'm still on pins and needles over the Indiana returns. I want to be proud of my home state as well.

  2. Yes we did! Witnessing history and the future in the making!!!

    Raina, I too am a Hoosier, left some 29 years ago, but still from the Region. When is Indiana gonna bring it home???

  3. I can't believe it. If Hoosier rednecks are fed up enough to vote for a black man, then anything is possible. Anything.

  4. They called Indiana?????

    Damn, I lost the betting pool! I should never have bet against Obama!

    Ok, I'm actually happy. The word "mandate" brings music to my ears.

  5. The word "mandate" gives me crazy eyes, Erin... reminds me of Bush's '04 re-election, which he took as a "mandate." Apparently a mandate for four more years of ignorance, intolerance, and ineptitude. But that aside, I'm so profoundly full of hope right now, it's an incredible feeling.

  6. Hey, NerF - In this case, I love it. A close call wouldn't have been enough for me. Shwew. That's all I can say.


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