Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Morning Halftime Entertainment.

Okay, so the beach started off well enough. I ran into a fellow blogger which I will go into later in the week and had a lovely day with my hubby. Lovely day included a little shopping, lounging on the beach in 75 degree weather!! in November!! followed by a leisurely dinner at one of our staples, The Cultured Pearl:

Not my actual dinner but a representative photo from Kaszeta's flickr

Dinner included one rather large, very tasty Saketini and one little carafe of Saki. Sounds innocent enough, right? Fast forward several hours and several vodka and tonics later to my sweet ass belting out "Sweet Caroline" at The Purple Parrot. I had the College-Freshman-Worthy hangover yesterday to prove how much fun I had closing the bar. No posting or commenting. I could hardly speak, let alone spell and, frankly, am not feeling that great today. I will not go into the post I wrote and almost posted at 2 a.m. Saturday night/Sunday morning revealing my new tried-and-true technique to persuade male McCain voters (of which there was exactly one in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware) to vote for O. by rubbing their nipples chests and saying in a sultry voice, "Come on, baby. You know you want to vote for Obama." And something about the promise of nightly sex (with his wife) and improved gas mileage. Yes, my husband was there and he thought it was hilarious. I think Obama may get that guy's vote. Oh, and I learned all about trannies and drag queens and the hierarchies involved in such and whatnot and I am sure to share that with you in a future post when I am hypnotized back into remembering the actual conversation.

But for now, for your viewing pleasure, my daughter's kick-ass high school marching band. She is a squad leader on the drumline for this peripatetic, rock-star, student-lead band. They will be traveling to London to lead the New Year's Day parade this holiday season. They have played in parades in Rome, Ireland, London (six times), the Rose Bowl and other Bowl games and parades. It's been a very cool experience for the 260 or so members of the band (including band fronts). And since it's her senior year, Friday was their Homecoming game and last home game ever. I will very much miss this Friday night activity next year (as it clearly keeps me out of trouble).

Here's a short video clip focusing on the drumline doing its awesome thing.

I wanted to get in the twirlers with their batons on fire (fire at halftime is always a crowd pleaser) so you have to look to see the drummers tossing their sticks, etc.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful day in spite of the spectacular hangover!

    I cannot resist a marching band. I love when the drum line plays each others drums. And flaming The Sumner Academy Marching Sabres was no where near that exciting.

  2. Drummers rock hardest of all! (Did I mention my hubby plays the drums?)

  3. Wow! I was a drummer in high school and college. Was in marching band for years and years - especially exciting in college. How fun for your daughter.

  4. Wow! That is a great drum line.

  5. Everyone always brags on their kids and says how they're the best at blah, blah, blah, but yours actually is!

    And what a lucky gal to have a mom who still knows how to have a good time. Sounds like you had my ideal night out. Too bad hangovers suck.

  6. David, I cannot resist a kickass marching band.

    Raina - No, I didn't know that. That means you may have a girl drummer, too! (My first husband, Spencer's dad, was a drummer.)

    Decs - I am trying to convince her to do it in college. I want to come see her!

    Thanks, Joni! Stop by anytime.

    Erin, thanks - you're sweet. I just changed the top video to a much shorter version with just drumline. I should have done that yesterday.

    Also, yeah, it was so much fun but I am quite a lightweight, so hangovers hit me hard!

  7. I love a really good marching band. This band looks is great and they look like they are having a lot of fun!


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