Thursday, November 27, 2008


by Eric Enstrom

Have a lovely Thanksgiving.



  1. Hope you're having a great T-day.

    P.S. LOVE the Creator/Obama fistbump!!!

  2. Mom and I went to the casino where after a few hours of being down, I enjoyed the single best 30 minutes of blackjack of my LIFE, bringing me back well into win territory.

    Followed that with dinner out, just the two of us, and back to her house to hang her wreaths. A very good day.

    Hope yours was too!

  3. I hope everyone had a great day.

    David, it sounds like you had an awesome day. I did, too. Beautiful, perfect day.

    Although I did go to the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Parade to see my daughter's marching band and she said they were 24th in line. It started at 8:30 so I got there just after and was thinking, "Oh, yeah." I had found a perfect, front-row spot and was waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Then my husband (who was home cooking) texted me that she was just on TV. And I was thinking, "She can't be on TV, TV's at the end and I haven't seen her yet." Then I see 2 missed calls from her... The only reason she can call is because she's done.

    I missed it. Can you believe that? It started early at 8 am. But I've never been to the parade before so it was good anyway. And I got home early and cracked some Veuve. :-)

  4. Beautiful image. It stopped me in my tracks. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Onward to Christmas! :)


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