Saturday, November 8, 2008

Beauty and the Beach, Part Deux.

I got a new camera a couple of weeks ago. So, last weekend when I arrived at the beach, I went to the Shore Haus, which you remember from this post to take new (and more and hopefully better) pictures. When I got there, I discovered I was beaten to the punch by a fellow blogger, My Notting Hill.

It's a small world in blogland and to have met My Notting Hill was especially coincidental since I won her contest for a Canadian House and Home magazine and she had seen a post about Shore Haus on my blog.

So, go take a visit to My Notting Hill and see what new beauties John and Chris have to offer. (David, this means you.)


  1. Hi! Re: your question about my camera. I have a Panasonic Lumix DC Vario (DMC-LZ3), 5 mega pixels. In all honesty it was a $200+ camera marked down to $129 at Target about 3 years ago.

  2. Hi there, wanted to let you know that I was the one who nominated you for 5 Star Friday for your blog post: "Food For Thought"

    I have this post bookmarked and read it a couple times a week - I love it!

  3. Hey, Andi - Thanks for that! You're swell.

    MNH - I just returned my new Canon and got a Panasonic Lumix TZ5 or something. So far, much better - thanks!

  4. P. S. My Notting Hill - If you see something you like on my blog, don't be afraid to leave a comment! :-)

  5. What is that amazing deer print thing?

    I need it.

    Oh, and do I get to be a camera geek, too??? I usually shoot film, but for webby stuff, I just got a Nikon D40. It was at least 2x as expensive as my old point and shoot Canon Coolpix, but totally worth it. Just my two cents.

  6. The deer print thing is a print on canvas or linen or something stretched over a frame like an art canvas. I think it's only like $50 or $60 or something. I love it! I called John to find out and I'll let you know.

    And thanks for the camera advice!

  7. I've got no fewer than 3 large pieces in various stages of paint, and just when I'm feeling kind of deflated and overwhelmed (holiday open house looms on the 15th), here you are. What a wonderful place, that was just the sort of inspiration I needed.

  8. Aw, Davey, I missed this bit of sweetness from you. xo


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