Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack the Vote!

Oh, yeah, baby. Today's the day. I'm off to VOTE and to call Colorado and Virginia to "get out the vote" (you can help, too - go online to BarackObama.com)!! See you in Chicago at the victory celebration!! HOPE! HOPE! Hoping for an historic day!


*UPDATE* - The First Votes Are In: Dixville Notch Votes Obama in Landslide Victory Over McCain

DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. -- Democrat Barack Obama defeated John McCain 15-6. Independent Ralph Nader was also on the ballot, but received no votes.

The first voter, following tradition established in 1948, was picked ahead of the midnight voting and the rest of the town’s 19 registered voters followed suit in Tuesday’s first minutes.

Town Clerk Rick Erwin says the northern New Hampshire town is proud of its tradition, but says the most important thing is that the turnout represents 100 percent vote.

President Bush won the vote in Dixville Notch in 2004 on the way to his re-election.


Also, Al Franken is leading the Senate race in Minnesota.


Michelle Parks McCourt said...

Great! Me too in PA,
Go Obama!

hello gorgeous said...

Good for you, Michelle!

Long lines! It took me an hour to vote at 7 am and there was an equal line when I left. I hope that's good news.

It's exciting to see people taking advantage of the right to vote.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Good for you! So glad you're helping to get out the vote! Meanwhile, Karly and I -- having voted days ago -- will be cozied up the the tv, eating blue cupcakes, and watching the returns with a zillion people.

I can't wait!

Greta said...

I'm inspired by your post, Gorgeous! I can feel it in the air today!

hello gorgeous said...

I want blue cupcakes. *pout*

Thanks, Greta. Hope so.

Turns out I'm making calls in Ohio right now. It's nice making get out the vote calls because you're calling Obama supporters to just make sure they are voting and know where their polling places are so nobody's pissy. Everybody's excited to finally be voting!

Anonymous said...

Hello Gorgeous!!
I popped by to share some Delaware love with you! Already voted and
I am so excited!

Obama '08, BABY!!!!!!!!

egan said...

I had my free coffee and donut. Blue donuts rule.

Anonymous said...

yay, obama! and i'm sure your daughter will enjoy the bay - if not anything else, the weather is wonderful :)

hello gorgeous said...

Hey, e. love - Thanks for the love, as always. Ridiculously excited here.

Egan - Blue everything rules! Now with all this talk of cupcakes and donuts, I'm hungry!

June - Great weather and so beautiful. I think for now she'll just be visiting which is fine with me; I'm not quite ready for her to move across country yet.

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