Am I missing something? Because his house looked like my first apartment which I decorated using castoffs from the neighborhood trash and homemade art from Goodwill. His "art"? Well, Basquiat he is not. And his bedroom looks like an outtake from the J.C. Penney catalog. Top Design it is not. But maybe it's just me.
Here, you be the judge and tell me how you voted:

I loved Preston's work - he was consistent and glamorous - I think he should have won. Ondine's final project was very pulled together and groovy but I thought she was inconsistent overall. I purposely did not post Nathan's dining room photo because it was his best room and I didn't want you to be unfairly prejudiced in favor of him but, seriously, what is his obsession with paper plates?
I recall the judges saying that while Preston was consistent and beautiful, Nathan was inconsistent but showed the promise of something better?? ¿qué chingados, judges?
Click here to see the Bravo Top Design finale photos to better judge for yourselves.
So, who did you think should have won? Was someone eliminated who you think should have won? Does Margaret Russell scare the shit out of you? Tell me. Curious minds want to know.
Karly's on vacay, so you'll have to make do with me. Smiley! :)
So, I think Nathan is very creative in an artsy kind of way. I admire that he can make something out of nothing, but some of those things were very, very bad. Yes, he is a paper plate abuser. I hated the foyer, which the judges cooed over. Why? I have no idea.
I thought Preston's house was very polished, but kind of snoozy. I was hoping for some quirky moments, but there weren't any.
I liked a lot of Ondine's rooms, but not the whole house. And I definitely agree that she's not very consistent.
So, can I pick none of the above? And none of the original contestants? Actually, can I choose for the producers to give more time to design and finish the projects? That would make all the difference, I am sure.
Also, I still hate Eddie and his Polident style, and I love me some Margaret Russell. Sometimes I think she's the tin man, Adler is the lion, and Wearstler is the scarecrow.
I do agree that they have to decorate an entire house in one hour but it's like the Trading Spaces genre of shows where the suspense of whether they'll complete in time keeps you tuned in or something.
I love Nathan's creativity. Howevah. Being highly creative and an accomplished interior designer I think maybe aren't the same thing. That sarcophagus? He should've just invited Geraldo Rivera to sit on the sofa and it may have made some sense.
I know Preston's a snooze, but I'm old and I could just crawl into that bed (that said, not a big fan of fabric overhead but it creates some drama I guess). I loved the simple idea of cutting the grasscloth into diamonds and making it special.
I'm glad you are lovin' the Russell. I love crazy Kells. Her hair is braided a little too tightly and it cuts off the circulation for fashion decisions. But she is herself. Consistently.
Kelly is lonney tunes but kind of lovable. I love when M. R. gives her the evil eye every time she says something.
Love your blog!
Sorry, I meant looney tunes.
I didn't really watch, but Boyfriend was so I saw the last bit. I liked Preston's room too, I thought it was good looking and liveable.
I'm afraid of, and drawn to, Margaret Russell all at the same time.
Is this where I'm supposed to say that Kelly WORSTler looked like a pinata and I'd like permission to beat her with a stick?
Because I would like to very much.
Sounds like Preston got HAD! Based upon the pictures, to me, he should’ve won. 58% of the people who voted on also agree.
Ha--I posted Nathan's dining room because it was my favorite room of the competition. They all has some winners and losers in my book. I still wish Eddie had made it to the finale (in a designer capacity).
All of the judges scared the @#$% out of me--even lovable Jonathan Adler. I would be crying in corner 2 seconds into judging were I a contestant on that show.
Just wanted to let you know I posted about Shore Haus. It was fun to meet you - small world!
Cin - The look Margie gives Kelly every single time she says anything is hilarious. And she always says, "We agree to disagree." Kelly's like, "No, you're just a bitch."
And the M. R. hair!! The heavily ratted and sprayed helmet head makes me think somebody was watching too much "Mad Men."
All that said, I can't live without Elle Decor.
I agree with you - I wish Preston had won as well. For all his "lows" - I just didn't get how his "highs" gave Nathan the win. The paper plate chandi was terrible - and even MR acknowledged on her blog that she had second thoughts about it. I was so surprised that the judges oohed and aahed over it so much. I also really liked Ondine's house - especially the kids room. But, I'd move into Preston's in a heartbeat!
Hi Linda - You know, I am not a big fan of the paper plate decor, that not being "While You Were Out." However, I liked the idea of it.
I did think that was his best room and the others, clearly, left me cold.
I also visited Eddie Ross's blog and he has some great ideas - like spray painting lampshades and trimming them in stage tape. I'm going to keep an eye on him for ideas.
Yes, Raina. *clap clap* *grin*
I think that Preston's a bit chilly. He seems so intent on being a big name, that his personality doesn't show.
I think that KW looks like she's a baglady most of the time.
I haven't watched the finale yet, but the scariest judge of all in my opinion is India Hicks. Her annunciation is so exaggerated that she sounds like the GPS narrator. Seriously: imagine her voice, going "turn left in 40 feet." Gnaaah!
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